Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Love is Blind!

Ever heard of the phrase “Love is Blind”? I am sure you have. But we … Experienced It!

Well, if there is something called “Destiny”, I am a strong believer of it. What else will you call this?

A Bengali girl, never willing for a love marriage finally ends up marrying a South Indian … that too a Tamilian (No offense intended).

A Tamil guy, who never took love seriously and the phrase “Love Marriage” did not hold any significance in his life, finally fell for a Bengali girl.

Who will believe all this? But all of this actually happened when this guy, went on his knees and said, “I promise to love you every moment of forever, would you do me the extraordinary honour of marrying me!” .. the reply came instantly -  “Twilight!”.  :D

But eventually, it was a “YES”!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Money Cant Buy - Happiness!

    There are somethings, Money can't buy! So true!
    The thought crossed my mind as I was thinking of some happiness I couldn't get in my life. There are many actually, ... but never felt so sad of them, ... may be, never got a chance to wait and think of them, ... or may be, never bothered to think of them.

    Have you ever come across such feeling, when you want something in your life and realized that its no way coming to you? One may say that nothing is impossible to achieve. Yes! Definitely, I agree, that's true. With hard work and dedication everything can be achieved, but still I guess there are somethings we really can't do anything about.

    Ever noticed ... the joy in the eyes of a school kid after getting an 'excellent' remark for his assignment. Try buying it for your own kid, can you? ... The Pride in the eyes of one's parents when one excels in academics/sports. Have you noticed how proudly they announce it to their neighbors/relatives. Try buying it for your parents, can you? ... The happiness in the eyes of a bride whose big fat wedding is attended by all dear and near ones (especially her parents). Try buying it for your girlfriend whose parents are against your relationship, can you?

    There are lot of such questions that may arise in your mind for which the answer would be a helpless "No". But, ... you know what, ... the answer to such questions can be given in three simple words too - "Let It Be". Really, let it be! If you are helpless under certain circumstances, let it be. Work on others, under which you can do wonders. And I am sure there will be a plenty of them.

    I believe its Steven Covey, who said there are two situations in your life. One you can control, another you can't. A person should spend time, thinking of the situations he can control, but unfortunately most people spend their time thinking of what they can't. 

    Well, I am not an exception. I too tend to think and act in the same way. But don't be too late to realize that there are many other happiness waiting for you to knock the doors. For the happiness that's not coming your way, that you can't buy - Let it be! ... And hey! ...  not to forget, for everything else, there's MasterCard!  Go get it. :D

    Whats your idea of Happiness? Do share your moments of happiness too ... remember happiness multiplies when shared. Spread that smile! :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

An Innocent First Step!

After long discussions and many fights between my goodSelf and notSoGoodSelf, my goodSelf won and I finally decided to blog. Writing is something I am not very good at, but still was interested. It all came by reading so many books and blogs which strengthened my desire to start blogging. So here I am!

Reading has always been fun for me. Infact, not just fun, its about knowing views of different people, narrated in a unique way. A way, that is known just to them. If you too are fond of reading, then you know exactly what I am talking about. To be honest, I always loved reading, but never really was involved into too much reading untill I stepped out of my home (where I was forced to read just the school/college curriculum books). Being from a conservative family, was always encouraged to study more, more and more. I was not encouraged to pursue any kind of interests. Free time was used to help parents with household work or to study even more. Books other than the curriculum was Restricted. Hence, all my reading experience is not much. Within this short span of reading, I have seen difference in the writing style of every individual and I am amazed to see such minute details explained with so much of ease. I was so inspired by all the writers/authors and my friends (yes, some of them are bloggers) that I couldnt stop myself from creating this blog.

Hopefully, I will meet the basic intention of this blog, which is to write down my thoughts and views in my own way. Just the way a little kid learns to write with a piece of chalk and a slate, this is my way of learning and an innocent first step into the world of writing, through a scribbling pad which I cheerfully called "My Black Slate".

Wish me all the very best, and a Very Happy Reading to all of you!